Eesti ettevõtjaid oodatakse osalema LIFE programmi võimalusi tutvustaval veebiseminaril
The EAIC organises an hybrid webinar on 29 June from 11h30 to 13h00. This is an hybrid webinar: there will be the possibility to attend in person in Brussels or on-line.
The EAIC will have the honour to welcome Mr. Angelo Salsi, Head of Department at CINEA, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency in charge of managing the LIFE programme. Mr Salsi will provide an overview of the LIFE programme as well as useful tips for applicants.
We will also welcome three LIFE project coordinators who will showcase results and share experience from the implementation of their project:
- Natural HVACR 4 LIFE (DAIKIN-Belgium)
- LIFE F3 (TROTEC-Belgium and France)
The LIFE programme provides EU Funding opportunities for impactful environmental, climate and energy related projects. Companies can apply to this programme to co-fund the testing and scaling up of solutions they intend to deploy, which can have a positive impact on the environment or can address climate change/mitigation challenges.
Download the agenda here.
This webinar is free, it is an initiative of the EAIC members Konnekto and IDConsortium.
People wishing to attend in person can stay after 13h00 for a light networking lunch upon prior registration.
Register here for online or in person participation. The link to the online webinar will be sent few days prior to the event.